Beachside Resort Mille Lacs Lake

Cabin Rentals, Ice Fishing, Fishing Guides & RV Park with a Breathtaking View of Mille Lacs Lake

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Beachside Resort Mille Lacs Lake

Cabin Rentals, Ice Fishing, Fishing Guides & RV Park with a Breathtaking View of Mille Lacs Lake

CLICK the "BUY NOW" button BELOW to pay for your Plowed Driveway or other On Ice Services!

Once your order is placed you should receive a call from the Ice Office within 5 minutes to confirm your reservation and to give you an ETA of your Ice Crew Member. If you don't receive a call back within 5 minutes then call 320 738-1420 to speak to the Ice Office and to make sure they received your payment and request.

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